Production FAQs
Why should I choose Eagle Video?
Eagle Video Productions, Inc. offers more than 40 years of award-winning production expertise along with the dedication to learn your business. We will create the best most effective message, always on budget and always on deadline —every time.
You will be working with video professionals who take extreme pride in their work. We put the “pro” in production. Read what our clients say about us – testimonials.

What questions will Eagle Video ask us?
• Who is your target audience?
• What is your message?
• What is the purpose of your video?
• What visual and graphical elements do you want to show?
• Where do we have to travel to get these elements?
• How many minutes do you think the program should last?
• What is the estimated shelf life of your video?
• Who will be the subject matter expert on this video?
• Who will be approving the scripts and offline edits?
• What is your deadline? What is driving your deadline?
• How much do you have budgeted to spend on your video?
• Can we re-purpose video elements for other uses?
• When can we get started?

How do I choose a production company?
• Do you like their demo reel?
• Did they answer all your video questions?
• Have experience to tackle your project?
• Do you trust the contact person?
• Can they meet your deadline?
• Do they understand your business?
• Have a comprehensive client list?
• Will they provide client testimonials?

How much does a video cost?
Although we budget a video by line items, we can say estimate that a typical video can cost between $1500 to $5000 per finished minute, depending on those same line item costs. Shorter videos can cost more per minute than longer videos. Video productions can be expensive, so you have to view them as long term investments. Contracting for a $20,000 video with a shelf life of five years means you are budgeting $4000 a year for five years. Now you can see a return on your investment. An effective training production can save your company thousands of dollars a year in travel costs alone. In the meantime you have an effective training tool that has a carefully thought-out, clear, concise and consistent message.

Why produce a video in the first place?
Grow Your Audience
Communicate Your Brand Story
Engage Your Audience
Inspire Your Customers to Take Action
Reach Your Audience
Increase Market Share
Transform Your Business
Increase Your Bottom Line
Educate Your Market
Share Your Products
Train Your Customers
Share Client testimonials